Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween safety for your children is important at this time of the year. Simple common sense can keep your children safe. Please read these and follow these tips to make your children's Halloween fun and safe.

1. If you have pumpkins for decorations with candles in them keep them away from where the children will be getting their treats to keep them safe from costumes catching on fire.

2. Help your children pick out safe Halloween costumes so they aren't too long to trip on them or restrictive in any way.

3. If your child has a costume accessorie as a knife, etc make sure that it won't injure them if they trip and fall before purchasing.

4. It is safer for your child to wear makeup then to wear a mask as it detracts from their vision.

5. Have your child wear something bright on their costume or they can put reflective strips on the costume or carry glowsticks or flashlights so that they can be seen at night.

6. Make a route plan of where they plan to trick or treat before your kids leave the house and stick to the plan.

7. Make sure that your children know to take no shortcuts in alley's, etc but to go around the long way where there are lots of street lights and people around.

8. Tell the children to only go to houses with the front porch lights on.

9. Don't go into someone's home to get candy stay outside their door and wait for them to bring the candy to you outside.

10. Make sure the kids know they need to follow the traffic laws for safety.

11. Feed your children a good meal before they go trick or treating so they won't eat much until they get home.

12. I always tried to go with my children trick or treating to make sure that they are safe but if they are older and don't want their parents to go make sure that they are going in a group for their safety and protection.

13. Check their candy before they eat and when they get home. Throw out any candy that's not in their original wrapper or if the packaging looks tampered with.

14. When carving pumpkins don't let the small children use sharp knives and make sure they are adult supervised.

Have a fun and safe Halloween!

by Queenie1

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