Friday, July 17, 2009

Fibromyalgia Syndrome Chronic Fatique

Although it may have been around longer, it wasn't until the 1980's that the condition referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was first described and started to be understood. For every doctor you find that fully believes in the condition of CFS, you will find one who does not so in some ways medical advancement has been very slow in discovering all the facts.Although CFS can affect anyone at anytime, there is a distinct period of a person's life when it seems to be more prevalent and that is between the ages of 20 and 40 years. It is not known why but women seem to be more prone to acquiring the condition of chronic fatigue syndrome and the range and intensity of symptoms varies.Depending on the symptoms, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can make living a normal life very difficult. Those with serious chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms who are worst hit are unable to leave their bed and are constantly tired, not even able to perform even the simplest of normal routine tasks. People in full time employment have been know to lose months, sometimes years from work which for obvious reasons creates a great deal of distress both psychologically and emotionally.Other common symptoms often found in CFS suffers are: all over weakness, sleep disorders, aching muscles and joints, loss of appetite, headaches, swollen lymph nodes in neck or armpits, sore throats, mild fever, intestinal problems, anxiety, depression and mental confusion. Although the exact reason some people contract chronic fatigue syndrome remains a mystery, it does seem to follow one pattern and that is when the person has recovered from a viral infection.Other experts believe that CFS is related to a problem with immune function in one's system but blood pressure, chemical sensitivities and other theories are also being studied. How severe the symptoms are that affect each person vary and so does the effect of the condition with some CFS patients leading an almost normal existence whilst others can be in bed immobilized for a few days or in worse cases for weeks or months at a time.Fortunately even in severe cases of chronic fatigue syndrome there are some steps that can be taken to help the condition. Although depression can also cause other associated problems, CFS sufferers need to stay focused on treatments and currently success is being seen with natural treatments that are helping to raise the energy levels of victims.Particular treatments that focus on cleaning the system by detoxification help to rejuvenate and improve body maintenance. Chronic fatigue syndrome does not have to be for life and it is imperative that new treatments be researched and tried by the victims of this awful condition so they can claim back their lives.
About the Author
You can visit: Tips of Positive Parenting Skills and Expert Advice On Parenting Strategies for more reviewed accurate information.
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