Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Information - What's Out There to Help You?

When anyone says that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is one of the toughest illnesses around, they either come from the experience of having it or they intimately know someone who does. Depending on the severity, a tough case of CFS can be similar to a person dying in the last stages of cancer.

Those facts are evident in literature, but the questions about how someone gets that sick from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and how to get well are greatly up in the air and debatable.

Scientists and researchers know that some people do get well from CFS to a certain degree. Even among the 'well' individuals, most of them must watch their stress levels and amount of energy output. If you don't manage one or the other well, you may be in for a severe crash and renewal of symptoms.

The key point to remember is that some people do get better. Historically, if that doesn't occur within the first year to 3 years, odds of recovery (without help*) grow slimmer and slimmer as time goes by. But please know that it's not unheard of for people to recover after 15 years or more. (I did. More about that below.)

So here are 3 Important Tidbits About What's Out There To Help You Feel Better from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

#1: People are getting well and reclaiming their lives from CFS and other types of chronic illnesses everyday. I recovered and got my life back, but finding the right answers made all the difference for me. Now this fact that recovery is possible should come as positive news, but you may be doubtful because you suffer so intensely and nothing has really helped to date.

Allow me to encourage you. Thoughtfully consider every bit of news that comes your way, but decide about each possible answer on the merits of its legitimacy and the results it produces. Don't make a habit of routinely dismissing everything that you come across as impossible for you. Otherwise, you may throw away the very 'tool' that can help.

Fact: The world is full of different types of mechanisms that can help you heal. Our Creator allows their presence and continues to facilitate more and more of them all the time. Your only ambition should be to find the one(s) that works for you.

#2: Open your mind to healing. If you sit in your sick bed and allow no good information to penetrate your awareness, you may be stuck there forever. Yes, it can be scary to move away from what you do know into uncharted territory, but you must do this if you're to discover something better. Do not allow yourself to stay stuck.

#3: Consider learning about what's out there. Okay, you say, "I could check out a few things, but what? What is the best way to learn about them?" Learn by listening and getting involved. Resolve to move forward if the information you find seems to be of value and has the possibility of helping you.

So with that purpose in mind, I invite you to be brave and step out on a new path. Sign up today for upcoming teleseminars at the Health Matters Show. These phone seminars reveal great new information about 1) How you can feel better, 2) What you need to know about getting well to make that happen, and 3) How to renew your health and finally reclaim the good life again. You don't want to miss out on these special events. The Health Matters Show blog and podcast is dedicated to providing you with the information and services that you need to get well once and for all from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Thanks, Cinda Crawford, host, health writer and more.

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